The 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist movement was marked in 2025 as the movement was sparked during the Reformation by the rebaptism of the (3) early leaders on January 21, 1525. Their devotion to following Jesus and empowerment by the Holy Spirit fueled a deep awakening to a treasure in Christ that persecution could not take away; and spread like wildfire across Europe stirring tens of thousands to be baptized or rebaptized for their personal devotion to Christ in a matter of a few years.  There is a growing sense that God is calling us back to that simple faith in Jesus. This 500-year mark of believer’s baptism is a strategic time in church history and a time to consider “The More” that God has for the followers of Jesus and to get prepared for what is unfolding as this may be more of a new launching time than a finish line. There is a sense the Lord is inviting the rebaptizers, Anabaptists, and other advocates of believer’s baptism, to be eager for yet another baptism. This new baptism, the baptism of Jesus, will not diminish the value of water baptism but is about Jesus given the space to be Lord of the church.  John pointed to Jesus and the baptism that He has for His followers as greater than his. The question is in front of us today as it was to the people of Ephesus in Acts 19, what baptism did you experience?

There is much reason to believe there is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the heart of the Father and humility and prayer is a necessary part of our preparation. The word of Psalm 24:7, one of the two most preached passages of the early Anabaptists, “Lift up your heads, O you gates, lift them up you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in.”, is felt as a clarion call for preparing for the new move of God on the way. It is time for our world to be impacted by His presence in our midst with His Holy Spirit as our strength for revealing His glory. This is His Day!!!

January 20, 21, and 22, 2025

The Invitation is a 3 day prayer and fasting gathering. You are invited to experience the 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist movement through six primary areas of focus: remembrance, reverence, reflection, repentance, re-baptism, and re-mission. This 500-year mark of the believer’s baptism is a strategic time in church history to look beyond the past. Come join us as we consider “The More” that God desires to release in and through the Anabaptist family…….Amish, Mennonites, Brethren in Christ, Hutterites, Independents, etc!

The (6) areas of focus are below.

This is a time to remember the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit called the Reformation and a time for thanksgiving and praise for all God has done, the huge price that thousands paid for this place of personal relationship with Him and that he has not forgotten us.

This is not a time to hold back our worship and with our whole hearts worship and honor Him, realizing that without His presence and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit our world will be in trouble.

Reflect on the 500 years of Anabaptism acknowledging the many ways our faith has stayed alive but to also acknowledge ways we may have deviated from His original plan as radical followers of Jesus.

With humble hearts acknowledging ways we may have resisted His Holy Spirit and resorted to legalistic forms of godliness that resulted in broken relationships across the church, having a form of Godliness but denying the power for the building of God’s Kingdom.  The result is apathy and a great mission to yet be fulfilled.

Acknowledging our need for a new baptism, the baptism of Jesus of fire and the Holy Spirit, valuing the baptism of repentance and accepting the empowerment for the manifestation of Jesus in and through our lives.

Recommitting ourselves to following Jesus and the way of His Spirit as we fulfill our part of the great commission and God’s great rescue plan.

Petra Church
565 Airport Road
New Holland, PA 17557

Planning Team
Lloyd Hoover
Dave Smucker
Elmer Fisher
Ken Reinford
Josh Smucker
Reuben Stoltzfus

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Lloyd Hoover

Dave Smucker

Registration is recommended. Click the button below to register. 

Register Online


We would be honored to work with you if you are interested in serving during the gathering. Please click the button below to let us know when you would like to serve.



Financial Investment
There is an opportunity to sow into the harvest by empowering this collaborative event! We are believing for provision to cover the costs. Click the button below for online giving, or you can mail a check. All contributions are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt.

Alliance Network
Memo: The Invitation
Po Box 62
Intercourse, PA 17534

Online Giving


This is a preliminary timeline. We desire to remain flexible and obedient to the Holy Spirit throughout the gathering with collaboration and discernment among the Planning Team.

Monday 1/20 
Themes: Awaken, Remembrance, Reverence

10 – 12 AM: Worship and Prayer
Harp & Bowl

1 – 2:45 PM: Return To Our First Love
Stories: Elmer (Dutch) Fisher
Speaker: Dave Hess

3 – 5 PM: Something Worth Dying For
Panel Discussion (Church and State Relationship):
Dr. Bob Doe, Stefan Von Wartberg, Steve Lapp, Jeff Linthicum
Speaker: Hans Lehman

5 PM: Communion
Gather around tables, receive communion, and fellowship.

7 – 9? PM: Reason for Celebration
Stories: Cordell Huyard
Speakers: Collaborative
Kevin Eshelman, Aaron Lapp Jr., Don Hess, Jon Carlson, Brian Flewelling
Collaborative Closing Prayer

Tuesday 1/21 
Themes: Align, Reflection, Repentance

10 – 12 AM: Worship and Prayer
Harp & Bowl

1 – 2:45 PM: Logjams in the River
Stories: Lloyd Hoover (Healing Journey)
Speakers: Janet Richards

3 – 5 PM: A Movement Through The Generations
Stories: Matt Buckwalter (Reconciliation/Amish/Mennonites)
Speaker: Sam Chupp

5 PM: Communion
Gather around tables, receive communion, and fellowship.

7 – 9? PM: A Healed Bride
Stories: Reuben Stoltzfus
Speaker: Dr Mike Hutchings

Wednesday 1/22 
Themes: Agreement, Re-baptism, Re-mission

10 – 12 AM: Worship and Prayer
Harp & Bowl

1 – 2:45 PM: Restoration of the Promise
Stories: Charles Ness
Speaker: Urie Herschberger

3 – 5 PM: Holy Spirit
Speakers: Larry Kreider, Lester Zimmerman

5 PM: Communion
Corporate communion

7 – 9? PM: Jesus for the World
Speaker: Luke Weaver
Collaborative Closing: There is More/Psalm 24:7-10

Speaker Introduction

Dave Hess
Senior pastor of Christ Community Church, Camp Hill, Dave has given his life to see the church express the love of Jesus. His Anabaptist heritage connects him with their early experiences of intimacy with God and the priesthood of all believers

Lester Zimmerman
Founding Pastor of Petra Church and Apostolic leader for Hopewell (Anabaptist) Network , Lester’s experiences of an awakening to personal intimacy with Jesus has ignited a passion and he has given his life to see a church alive and full of the love and light of Jesus that can change the world

Stefan Von Wartburg
Served as Pastor of a State Reformed church in Canton of Berne. He is an advocate for reconciliation especially relating to Anabaptists and has a passion to see the church alive and led by the Spirit of Jesus.

Janet Richards
Part of a church plant in Austin Texas, Janet is a reconciliation leader especially related to the Anabaptist reformation experiences. Author of “Unlocking Our Inheritance”, Janet’s desire is for deep healing and deliverance for the church to be free to express love, joy, peace and the fruit of the Spirit.

Sam Chupp
Amish leader, Sam, cares deeply for his people and desires for the Amish Church to experience the peace and love of Jesus among themselves and through their witness.

Urie Hershberger
Founding Pastor of Freedom Fellowship Church, Ohio, Urie, is a teacher and church leader that desires to see the body of Christ full of the abundant life of Jesus and open to express that love to a dark and troubled world.

Larry Kreider
Founder of DOVE International, DOVE has Anabaptist roots and has grown to over 1100 churches in 27 nations during the past 44 years. As a writer and producer of many church resources, Larry has a deep passion for the world to be awakened to salvation in Christ and the most meaningful and enriching life by being a dedicated disciple of Jesus committed to making disciples.

Luke Weaver
Director of YWAM Lancaster, Luke has a driving passion to see this generation find our place as radical followers of Jesus that feel for a lost world that does not know Him.


Story Tellers

Cordell Huyard
A director of YWAM Lancaster, Cordell carries a deep appreciation for His Anabaptist heritage and has a passion for the world to experience the same reason to follow Jesus as the early Anabaptists that became a fire within them.

Charles Ness
Mennonite pastor and evangelist in Franconia, Charlie carries a message full of the light of Jesus in ways that has impacted the Mennonite church in Eastern PA and an Anabaptist movement of church growth in Mexico.

Lloyd Hoover
Bishop in LMC (Lancaster Mennonite Conference) and participant in Anabaptist reconciliation initiatives, Lloyd has a passion to see the body of Christ healed and free to be an expression of the transforming work of Jesus in a broken world of unrest and hopelessness.

Matt Buckwalter
Superintendent of Linville Hill Christian School, Matt has connected with his Anabaptist roots that give him a cause to invest his life into seeing this generation steward what it means to shine for Jesus in the midst of a disillusioned culture.

Ben Girod
Retired Amish Bishop in Libby, Montana, Ben is a catalyst for reconciliation with the Reformed Church, Jews, and Native Americans with Anabaptists. His deep journey of pain and suffering awakened sensitivity to the person of Jesus and His Spirit that has given him a deep passion to see the church healed, reconciled, and faithful in fulfilling God’s plans in this generation.


John 17:22-24 (NLT)

I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began!”