
“Partnership with a purpose”

We believe everyone was created for a purpose that extends far beyond our day-to-day existence. In Matthew 22:37-40 we are called to the Greatest Commandment which is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”. Later, in Matthew 28, Jesus imparts the Great Commission, to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” As believers, we must live with this commandment and mission in mind. Our focus is to develop a relational network of partners that are united in the vision to see that Great Commission fulfilled in this generation, while also providing opportunity for spiritual growth. Through these trusted partnerships, we are able to invest time, talent, and treasure into strategic initiatives with confidence they are making a difference. Become a partner with a purpose today!



We partner primarily with entrepreneurs/business owners and missionaries. Both carry an entrepreneurial spirit and the tenacity required to develop vision with a global impact. However, if you have a longing to discover and fulfill your purpose, we would love to partner with you regardless of the context in which you serve (family, business, missions, education, etc).

Catalyst Partners

Our vision to see the Great Commission fulfilled in this generation requires resources to accomplish, and our focus on developing a relational network of partners takes time and intentionality to develop. We desire to foster deep relationships with our Commission Partners and invest in them through this relational context. As a result, we invite you to consider becoming a Catalyst Partner to catalyze us in our vision and mission. We are grateful and humbled by any investment of time, talent, and treasure and are grateful for the support from our incredible community!

As a 501c3 non-profit, all contributions are tax deductible. We desire to be fully transparent as a non-profit and our Year End Reports are available on our About Us page.

Click below to invest in our vision!

Commission Partners

See our interactive map showing the locations of our Commission Partners around the globe.

We are privileged to invest in their vision and mission through the context of trusted relationships.

Click on the pins for details and website links.

Partner Events

We love to host events for our partners to foster relationships, receive inspiration, and collaborate for impact that extends far beyond our individual capabilities.

Become a partner today!

Alliance Partner Application

Please contact Dave with any questions!
Dave Smucker (Executive Director). Email: