Our Partners
The Kings serve with a Y__M team that is planting a new base in Instanbul, Turkey that was sent as an outreach from F&F in Kona. They moved there in early 2022 and have been establishing homes, relationships, the team, and ministry since then. Turkey is known to be an extremely challenging country to establish a ministry, perhaps due to being strategically located as a gateway to the 1040 window (unreached people groups) and central Asia. Therefore, their primary focus has been to establish a house of prayer to win the spiritual battle; and see all other efforts flow out of the posture of worship and prayer. The team has a lot of vision for growth including DMM (a discipleship/house church movement), hosting teams, and serving as a gateway to the 1040 window.
Prayer Room
A message from Leroy and Leslie that captures the heart of starting with a focus on the Prayer Room is below. They have been hosting short-term teams from around the world regularly and each of them invests dedicated time in the Prayer Room as part of their outreach.
“The Prayer Room is a place where we gather as a team to minister to the heart of God, to receive God’s love, to hear God’s voice, and then decree, prophesy, and pray those realities into our city and region.
We believe that one of the key ways to establish ourselves in this nation is through worship and prayer. That as we corporately worship and behold Him, we will be transformed by His Presence and more into His likeness, and from this place, Heaven’s realities grow in our lives, in our city, and the nations. In 2 Chronicles 20:21- 23 we see the Israelites going into battle with the Levite worshippers leading the way. In the same way we believe that the best way to see breakthroughs in the spirit is to first lead the way in worship and prayer. In Psalm 132, King David talks about not finding rest until he has found a resting place for the Lord. In the same way before we get caught up in all of our other tasks we desire to love and host the Presence of Jesus.”
The team began by gathering and praying in their living rooms as that was the space they had. They opened a dedicated space in early 2024 due to the generous contributions from those that caught the vision and invested in it financially to empower the team. This is a milestone marker of the Lords faithfulness and inspires them to continue to pursue the greater vision!
Another core focus is to utilize the Discipleship Making Movement (DMM) to start and multiply house churches. They start by building relationships with the Turkish people and engage with them in day to day life. Fostering these relationships and inviting them into a home group allows them to be a witness of Christ, share the Gospel, and walk with them as they have questions about what it means to follow Jesus. This is not an easy decision as most have been raised with M__ beliefs and the consequences of following Jesus affect every part of their life, this includes family which will often disown, shun, or in some extreme circumstances even try to take their life for choosing to believe in and follow Jesus. That’s why having a relationship and being willing to walk with them on the journey is critical.
The beauty of the DMM model is it empowers these new believers to immediately begin inviting and discipling others which allows it to multiply without needing infrastructure, buildings, or established churches. Some of the regions with the most persecution for believers are seeing a rapid multiplication of new believers and house churches as the Gospel is advanced with this “grassroots” and relational method.
The 3rd core focus in this season is to launch and host a 3 month discipleship course. They are partnering with another team in a city near Ephesus to host and facilitate their first discipleship course in 2024. They have students signing up primarily from the Middle East region which is cause for great celebration as they can be equipped to reach others within their culture, region, and families!
The next step in the long-term vision is to reach a people group in Turkey that has never heard the Gospel. With the current focus on hosting His presence, inviting people to follow Jesus and journeying alongside them, and training/discipling them; we believe this next step will be achieved and perhaps carried out by the Turkish believers. The team is committed to their current mission and trust the Lord will bring the increase and draw many people in this region into a personal relationship with Him!
We are inviting you to invest in the Istanbul Initiative and the people of Turkey.
100% of the process will be invested in the (3) areas of focus shown above.
Alliance Network
PO Box 62
Intercourse, PA 17534
Memo: Istanbul Initiative
**NOTE: All checks and online giving are tax-deductible and year end receipts will be issued**
We are grateful for your investment and honored to serve our partners. Thank you so much!